Politics With A Twist (Of Lemon)
The Twist room is basically a group of liberals who open their room to Trivia on Saturday Evenings. I first discovered it a week ago and joined in enthusiastically to play. It was well organized, and the questions were challenging. I guess I surprised them since here I was a drooling hillbilly moronic racist right-winger holding my own and being one of the top guessers. So, I marked the event on my calender, left my own room, On the Right, and joined in again last Saturday night.
I was doing pretty well, not as stellar as the last week, but starting to warm up. I did notice the female moderator (no use getting into names) was stumbling over my name as if it were an effort to say it and admit I won 2 points. This happened a few times. Then the question of who was King of England during the Act of Union. I said James, and was the first correct post. But, wait...that wasn't enough, you had to say which James, someone posted James I and won. Ok...maybe you needed to do that no big deal, I'm not worried about it.
I continue... A few questions later,...which Frenchman discovered the mouth of the St Lawrence River? After a couple of "Napoleans" and "Lafayettes",I post "LaSalle", then she wanted his first name....finally someone posted "L'Seur LaSalle", and the brilliant woman moderator (only saying woman to id her and not say her name) declared a winner. Now we all know LaSalle's name is Robert LaSalle, and it is obvious this chatter probably got this oblique first name spelling from Google France.
Now, it's becoming obvious this moderator stretches out the answer demanding more definitive answers to allow her cohorts to google. So, then another question, "who...", frankly, I forget what it was. But I was first with both Christian and surname. Another chatter posted it immediately below me. Guess who won? Not me. So I post..."I was first please check posts." The gracious moderator said "Not on my screen, and don't start in Buckley!" Thinking either the game was rigged or my posts were not being seen I left.
Well, we know my posts were seen. So, again, I learn the same old tired lesson: Don't expect Liberals to play by the Rules, even if they are their own! In fact, don't play with Liberals at all!!
I learned a long time sgo that Pal is safe haven for bad conduct, and the rationalizing of it.
Now if this hasn't given me the most hearty laugh I have had in a long time association with the Zionists on Paltalk. Buckely you are a dunce who'd not be expected to know your own name without googling. As for Toechopper talking about others behaving badly? Well pass the tissues the tears of laughing are blurring my vision.
And what better example of bad behavior than the Author Kate Howorth making an aperance. I'll bet slink doesnt have any published authors on his site. Yeaaaaaa...........I WIN !
I'm so proud to have a real Aunty (clan,tribe female elder) on my humble blog.
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