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Getting It Right . . . American Politics And World Affairs: The Tar Baby Syndrome

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Tar Baby Syndrome

At the risk of Mikeymike finding more evidence of "Conservatism is Racism", let me suggest a perfect analogy to what is happening in Libya. We all remember the old Joel Chandler Harris classic, "Uncle Remus". Before the NAACP deep-sixed it to the Disney vaults, "Song of the South" told the stories of Uncle Remus, the loveable old slave who spoke in dialect and described the antics of Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, Brer Bear and the Tar Baby.

Brer Rabbit came across the Tar Baby after his escape through the briar patch, and, though I don't remember the details, everyone, in turn, became stuck to and embroiled with this tar baby that was sitting out there in the cotton field. (let me have some license on this).

The new Tar Baby is, of course, Barack Obama. Everyone that comes into contact to him becomes inexorably stuck to him, never, it seems to get un-stuck. To this latest list of stickees, we can add Nicholas Sarkozy and David Cameron. I could have told them.

The President is one of those people that should be delt with from a distance. Come too close, and like the Tar Baby, you get stuck. Let Obama play out the rest of his pathetic presidency, enjoy it if you wish, condemn it if you wish, ignore it if you wish...but don't come to close!

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