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Getting It Right . . . American Politics And World Affairs: 1st Amendment, Why Americans dont play games with it.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

1st Amendment, Why Americans dont play games with it.

Here we are. It's 4 months and 13 days since my friend Mopanglo was intimidated into censuring me on the 2WAYSTREET POLITICS room blog. That was the last time I had a civil conversation with him. The lack of civility was not my choice, it was not Mops choice. At issue was my RESPONSE to 2waystreetpolitics  awards posting. Inflammatory and slanderous comments. (MOP SAID) She demanded he participate with her as a condition to retaining his admin hat, thus my response and unrelated articles were removed from the blog by mop at Bella's demand.  During my time as an admin I was also asked to do some parlor tricks and refused.  For the months following im's were sent to chatters demanding they "turn against" me. This was a serious battle for hearts and minds. In the end, after his usefulness expired to that end,  Mop was thrown under the bus.

(turns our MOP was untruthfull in his utterings to me)

Take a look at Mops post in the 2waystreetpolitics web site, a post that has been censured from view, immortalized here in its cached version as saved by google.

" A Funny Communication From Super Admin Bellarosa"

Posted on April 13, 2011 by MopNSlop

2 Way Super Admin has a wacky sense of humor.  Yesterday she sent me this post:

bellarosa_2: Mop it has come to our attention in the last few months that your lack of teamwork in the room as an admin has really started to bother a lot of people, so I wiuld like to take this time to thank you for the time you have given the room but you won’t be needed as an admin any longer.

The truth is that the last few months have been tough for Lola and particularly for Bella.

After observing vague mutterings in text from Bella about “Name Calling” while I was in the room, I started keeping track of the number of days I had gone without name calling in the room.  This seemed to make Bella most unhappy.  Ironically the fact I was NOT name calling seemed to distress her more than if I WAS name calling.  I knew she was determined to take my hat and I was just as determined NOT to give her a real reason to take it.  I didn’t make any bogus bounces or, park in the room and make gay or scatalogical references, or slam other chatters who did presentations for the room.  There was never any session in a private room with Bella and any other member of the Admin staff where any specific instance of  “lack of teamwork” was brought to my attention.  A key principle of modern management is that a bad review or even being fired should never come as a surprise and that the reasons leading up to it should be well understood, but there were no meetings or warnings leading up to my hat being pulled; and I realize it must have been tough on Bella to have to pull my hat for no real reason.

In essence I feel I owe Bella an apology, and here it is: Bella, I want to apologize to you for disappointing you by not disappointing you.

Who’s going to run the room during the day now?  Lola?  Well Lola is in the room but behaving like the retarded inbred spawn of European royalty is hardly what anyone could call “admining”.  The fact Lola is a super admin is proof that 2way needs no super admin, unless the job of a super admin is to sit in the room flipping one’s hair, popping gum, and “whatever” and “I could care less”, and suddenly and randomly bouncing conservative chatters from the room.

Well, I still think 2 Way is a great room and I hope to see everyone there in the future although that is currently impossible as my name is on the bounce list (for unknown reasons), and I will probably be banned after Bella reads this (she’s a little more thin skinned and paranoid then she likes to admit).   Have a great day everyone!!! "

Formatted post can be viewed on the link below.

Mops 2way_street_politics comment on Bellarosa_2 taking his hat.


Mop as I stated...you were targeted...and they demanded you be their Kapo.  They put you in an impossible position. Lets be clear, your not the bad guy here. The true villains here are those that would use these methods not to make a political point, as they collectivly dont have 6 brain cells to make a point with....but rather to stifle others free speech to do so.

The moral to this story is that this microcasm of society, that exists in these chat rooms without the protections our constitution provides, illustrates the ability and willingness of some to dangle shiny objects and manipulate....sway people to bad decisions.  Most of all it shows the main reason that Conservative Americans are so anal about protecting the constitution , without which, we would be subject to this treatment as a citizenry.

Now mop, we still hold out an unjudging offer to you. The question is...have you learned yet that your not alone?


At April 19, 2011 at 5:04 PM , Blogger GbigsAngle said...

many of us like links room for the friends we once had in there...but link has let bella and lola take it over. since High Falutin, and Betty were bounced from their roles in Links. Now Links is a nutty place where the hypocrites rule the roost. so, expect little more from the room as long as it remains in the hands of the pukes, raingay, bella, lola. rockhound, and the remaining ass kissers who once would have called themselves moderate-conservatives.


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