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Getting It Right . . . American Politics And World Affairs: April 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Obama the Muttering, Stuttering, Idiot ?

Yup...you saw correctly...a mumbling rambling idiot. Today we did not hear the metered, articulate speech that we heard from candidate or President Obama. Instead we heard a factually incorrect, stammering, and struggling big "O" muddle through an energy talk on a level akin to Dick Tracys "Mumbles" character.

In a barley understandable rant laced with inaccuracies the big "O" condemned over 50 percent of our current energy sources. This at a time when we are faltering economically. He also incorrectly stated that coal was the cause of asthma and alchlohism in children...calling for breathalyzers for kids near coal burning facility's.

Of one thing I thank God, that the cold war ended years ago as the big "O" we heard today, on the trigger, is certainly a fools folly.

Join Us in OTR!

Join us in On the Right! We have developed a free speech room allowing all forms of political discussion from anyone who wishes to accept our simple rule of not abusing or harrasing chatters. As a former admin in 2Way Street, I recognize the problems that have arisen there. 2Way is a large, fast-paced room that we all enjoy. However, opportunities for thoughtful discussion are very limited. When no one is listening or responding to responsible posts or voiced comments, what is the use? I have decided I can use my time and efforts more effectively in OTR. We aren't always at the top of the Room list, but when we have a room like last night with 35 chatters, it is well worth the wait. We don't have 'teams', just individuals freely expressing themselves.

Jeff aka wmfbuckleyjr

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

1st Amendment, Why Americans dont play games with it.

Here we are. It's 4 months and 13 days since my friend Mopanglo was intimidated into censuring me on the 2WAYSTREET POLITICS room blog. That was the last time I had a civil conversation with him. The lack of civility was not my choice, it was not Mops choice. At issue was my RESPONSE to 2waystreetpolitics  awards posting. Inflammatory and slanderous comments. (MOP SAID) She demanded he participate with her as a condition to retaining his admin hat, thus my response and unrelated articles were removed from the blog by mop at Bella's demand.  During my time as an admin I was also asked to do some parlor tricks and refused.  For the months following im's were sent to chatters demanding they "turn against" me. This was a serious battle for hearts and minds. In the end, after his usefulness expired to that end,  Mop was thrown under the bus.

(turns our MOP was untruthfull in his utterings to me)

Take a look at Mops post in the 2waystreetpolitics web site, a post that has been censured from view, immortalized here in its cached version as saved by google.

" A Funny Communication From Super Admin Bellarosa"

Posted on April 13, 2011 by MopNSlop

2 Way Super Admin has a wacky sense of humor.  Yesterday she sent me this post:

bellarosa_2: Mop it has come to our attention in the last few months that your lack of teamwork in the room as an admin has really started to bother a lot of people, so I wiuld like to take this time to thank you for the time you have given the room but you won’t be needed as an admin any longer.

The truth is that the last few months have been tough for Lola and particularly for Bella.

After observing vague mutterings in text from Bella about “Name Calling” while I was in the room, I started keeping track of the number of days I had gone without name calling in the room.  This seemed to make Bella most unhappy.  Ironically the fact I was NOT name calling seemed to distress her more than if I WAS name calling.  I knew she was determined to take my hat and I was just as determined NOT to give her a real reason to take it.  I didn’t make any bogus bounces or, park in the room and make gay or scatalogical references, or slam other chatters who did presentations for the room.  There was never any session in a private room with Bella and any other member of the Admin staff where any specific instance of  “lack of teamwork” was brought to my attention.  A key principle of modern management is that a bad review or even being fired should never come as a surprise and that the reasons leading up to it should be well understood, but there were no meetings or warnings leading up to my hat being pulled; and I realize it must have been tough on Bella to have to pull my hat for no real reason.

In essence I feel I owe Bella an apology, and here it is: Bella, I want to apologize to you for disappointing you by not disappointing you.

Who’s going to run the room during the day now?  Lola?  Well Lola is in the room but behaving like the retarded inbred spawn of European royalty is hardly what anyone could call “admining”.  The fact Lola is a super admin is proof that 2way needs no super admin, unless the job of a super admin is to sit in the room flipping one’s hair, popping gum, and “whatever” and “I could care less”, and suddenly and randomly bouncing conservative chatters from the room.

Well, I still think 2 Way is a great room and I hope to see everyone there in the future although that is currently impossible as my name is on the bounce list (for unknown reasons), and I will probably be banned after Bella reads this (she’s a little more thin skinned and paranoid then she likes to admit).   Have a great day everyone!!! "

Formatted post can be viewed on the link below.

Mops 2way_street_politics comment on Bellarosa_2 taking his hat.


Mop as I stated...you were targeted...and they demanded you be their Kapo.  They put you in an impossible position. Lets be clear, your not the bad guy here. The true villains here are those that would use these methods not to make a political point, as they collectivly dont have 6 brain cells to make a point with....but rather to stifle others free speech to do so.

The moral to this story is that this microcasm of society, that exists in these chat rooms without the protections our constitution provides, illustrates the ability and willingness of some to dangle shiny objects and manipulate....sway people to bad decisions.  Most of all it shows the main reason that Conservative Americans are so anal about protecting the constitution , without which, we would be subject to this treatment as a citizenry.

Now mop, we still hold out an unjudging offer to you. The question is...have you learned yet that your not alone?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lesson 1, Never trust a liberial woman in a chat room. There is a reason she spends all her free time there !

The following post was made revealing the sycotic behavior and neurosis of bella....rather bruttarosa-1 a superadmin in 2waystreetpolitics paltalk chat room.

Bellarosa "You're Fired" Sportswear -- available in S,M,L,XL, and XXL

"bellarosa_2: Mop it has come to our attention in the last few months that your lack of teamwork in the room as an admin has really started to bother a lot of people, so I wiuld like to take this time to thank you for the time you have given the room but you won't be needed as an admin any longer. "

Famous motivational words from Bellarosa, the dynamic leader in the world of online chat of whom one individual was lead to claim, "that woman could motivate a doorknob".

Coming soon . . . . our Lola -- "I can't spell Admin but now I are one" -- Sports Bras . . . dedicated to Lola, the second greatest online chat super admin of all time (sorry blondes only on this item) . . .

finally . . . the SLINK -- "I used to have a pair of balls, but I can't find them; Bella, Frank, and Lola must have borrowed them" -- Cupless Jock Strap.

Hurry these items will sell fast . . .

Posted by CirculationDown at 3:29 AM
Older Post Home

This isnt the first time her posts have been published. Many recall a similer set of posts just a few months ago that she was embarrised about also. This looser actualy went chatter to chatter asking them to trash me because I wouldnt trash other chatters.

Truly sick behavier.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Trump the Stalking Horse?

I have been liking Donald Trump's outspoken warnings of where our economy and nation are going for the past 2 years. Only Trump seems to have the voice at this point. He is saying the right things in the right way. He is getting down in the gutter with Obama on policy...which someone needs to do. The nice-nice..."you're a good president, and a great guy, but we have a few differences..." approach of the me-too Republican candidates are not going to work with this guy.

On the other hand, Trump's recent statement that he will run 3rd party if he doesn't get the GOP nomination bothers me a lot. A 3rd party candidacy will re-elect Obama!

Let's get focused on Trump and ask him the hard questions, where are you coming from Mr. Trump? And where are you going?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Buisness 101, The Solution......Trump Has It Right

There is one part of the equation that continues to be left out of the budget equation. Only Trump makes the connection that we are shorting ourselves by allowing offshore entitys to continue to get a free ride while they enjoy a free reign in our economy except for the part where they contribute. Many have focused on GE not paying taxes. Who has mentioned the many Chineese manufacturers that import goods and remove wealth without 1 dollar of tax being paid.

What we wind up with is no tax or Social Security contributions being made for a large part of goods sold in the US. Trump has it right...tarrif a like contribution from these slave labor produced imports NOW!

Tarrifing these imports would offset the lack of contribution resulting from these goods being made offshore and would also lessen the advantage of moving US jobs offsore as well.

If Trump would lay off the birther non-starter nonsense and focus on our economy he would mop up in 2012.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lost, unbased, disorientated.

Today,Gawker...a left wing rag,called Julian Assange "corporate". This is truly the end for this alledged rapist, rosenbergesque spy, and major crybabying hipocrit.

Bill Mahr has chastized the religon of peace for not being to peacefull.

These earth moving shifts towards reality for the hard left are reported to have caused Amy Goodman to purchase a Rope and chair,alledgedly.

I'll assume the rope is hemp.

Trump, another Perot?

Donald Trump has announced today that if he does not receive the GOP endorsement he will run independent. This announcement comes before Trump has even announced his candidacey.

Trump seems to be all over the board and although I like his attitude on foreign trade, I feel Trump is not helping the conservitive cause with announcement. His running Independent, as Perots did, can not succede and would hurt the GOP/CONSERVITIVES by siphoning votes away.

I am beginning to wonder if Trump isnt working for the DNC . Lets remember they do have a varfieable history of placing phoney candidates in play as they did last fall in Michigan.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Gazza Flotilla ... Are the recent acts of violance media prep?

The recent rise in the level of violance from Gazza to Israel is alarming. The alarm is not that its happening, its that its seeming to happen in coardination with the upcomming Gazza used boat show. Some are attempting to call this an aid flotilla. Rest assured this is nothing more than a show put on by people playing off each other for their own reasons.

Some are pissed in Gaza because they feel they were unjustly displaced. This is probably the only legitimate reason.

Some want the destruction of Israel for religious reasons.

Some prey on both to have a dispute to capatolize on.

What ever the flavor taken, the flotilla is descended upon with glee and the warlords will be hard at work wipping up Anti semitism and hatred for thier chosen greivance in the next few weeks.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Trolling coming soon

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Under construction

Check back soon for commentary on the big "O"'s flip flop.

Monday, April 4, 2011

New Post Comming Soon

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Politics With A Twist (Of Lemon)

The Twist room is basically a group of liberals who open their room to Trivia on Saturday Evenings. I first discovered it a week ago and joined in enthusiastically to play. It was well organized, and the questions were challenging. I guess I surprised them since here I was a drooling hillbilly moronic racist right-winger holding my own and being one of the top guessers. So, I marked the event on my calender, left my own room, On the Right, and joined in again last Saturday night.

I was doing pretty well, not as stellar as the last week, but starting to warm up. I did notice the female moderator (no use getting into names) was stumbling over my name as if it were an effort to say it and admit I won 2 points. This happened a few times. Then the question of who was King of England during the Act of Union. I said James, and was the first correct post. But, wait...that wasn't enough, you had to say which James, someone posted James I and won. Ok...maybe you needed to do that no big deal, I'm not worried about it.

I continue... A few questions later,...which Frenchman discovered the mouth of the St Lawrence River? After a couple of "Napoleans" and "Lafayettes",I post "LaSalle", then she wanted his first name....finally someone posted "L'Seur LaSalle", and the brilliant woman moderator (only saying woman to id her and not say her name) declared a winner. Now we all know LaSalle's name is Robert LaSalle, and it is obvious this chatter probably got this oblique first name spelling from Google France.

Now, it's becoming obvious this moderator stretches out the answer demanding more definitive answers to allow her cohorts to google. So, then another question, "who...", frankly, I forget what it was. But I was first with both Christian and surname. Another chatter posted it immediately below me. Guess who won? Not me. So I post..."I was first please check posts." The gracious moderator said "Not on my screen, and don't start in Buckley!" Thinking either the game was rigged or my posts were not being seen I left.

Well, we know my posts were seen. So, again, I learn the same old tired lesson: Don't expect Liberals to play by the Rules, even if they are their own! In fact, don't play with Liberals at all!!

Who's Who

Bill Mahr and Julian Assange

Daddy Assad and Joe Biden  

Jackson and Ghadafi

Barak Obama and A Cinder Block


Its Sunday

Japan, Libya, Israel, The United States.  All places that should be in our thoughts today, Sunday.

Japan is still a mess with major radioactive leaks and many displaced from the earthquake and tsunami.  Libya is the center of a battle not only for Libya's leadership but a battle among western nations as to whether support for the dissolution of Balfour will take place or not.  Israel is wondering whether they will be left in the lurch as a result of the horrific stance the big "O" has taken.  The United States is in a budget melt down that will ultimately be world changing.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Talking Head Show, Obama and Libya

Saturday is Talking Head Day.

The Talking Head
Obama and Libya

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NATO In Name Only

It seems that NATO is not pulling its weight in the big "O"'s Libyan action. American commanders have considered standing down American assets until more multinational involvement is forthcoming.

So much for the strength of Obama's multinational coalition. There seems to be a steady evaporation of support from the Arab nations, the United Nations, now NATO.

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Koch calls Obama inebt

Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch (d) called the big "O" inept today in a Fox News interview.  Kotch cited the enormous cost and limited supply of troops for engagements.  Koch stated that all but 12 of the missiles fired were American even though the operation was claimed to be multinational.  Koch also cited Obamas inability to lead.  Mayor Koch stated that resources should be reserved for imminent threats of wich there was none.

Is obama creating a furure iminent threat?

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Getting Libya In Focus

For those us trying to get our head around what is happening in Libya, the UK Daily Mail has a good page with a useful map. UK Daily Mail Article.

I think there has been a lot of puffery about the rebel advances from the beginning, and this map certainly puts things into perspective. The last day has Kadaffi retaking a major oil town and two refining centers after the rebels failed to take his home town. Even the map tonight is outdated since Khadaffi has retaken Brega...which is a hop-skip-and-jump from Benghazi. The next few days should be interesting. Also of interest is Khaddafi's "beautiful blond lawyer" daughter working the troops and loyalists fighting with the army. VaVaVoooom! How do you fight that?