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Getting It Right . . . American Politics And World Affairs: March 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

RichieC aka toechopper on assignment

Tonight I come to you from a secret bunker deep within the central Virginia surburbs.

Its hard to describe the scene,all I can say is its all the imigination says it is. Its quite now except for the occasional sound of a noise. Hopefully I'll be able to bring more detail at a later time.

Obama Throws 30,000 Dollar A Head Harlem Fund-Raiser

According to the NY Post, Page 6 section the Big "O" threw a 30,000 dollar a head Harlem fund-raiser earlier this week.  The guest list was secret but of note was that Charlie (the tax dodger) Rangel was allowed to attend for free.

Obama is said to have raised over 1 million dollars at the event.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Obama, another Chamberlain ?

What exactly is it that the fundamentalists want?  The answer to that question is simple.  The restoration of the Ottoman empire de-facto.  Its stated in the Hamas charter.  Its stated by Ahmadinejad.  They desire an end to Arab Nationalism as imposed by Balfor on the reigon  after World War 1.  This desire is the root of all troubles in the Middle East today.

In 1938 another nation was unhappy with their  position after WW1.   Germany was forced to pay massive reporations as a result of the Versailles Treaty.  As Nazi Germany, they lashed out and invaded Austria.  Austria asked for help and none was forth comming. There were more annexations as the appetite became more apparent.  British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain practiced a policey of appeasement with Hitlers Nazi Germany with disastarous results.

Today many wonder what Barak Obama is up to.  Is he thinking that turning the old Ottoman Empire to the fundamentalists will make them friends?  Is he not aware that the idiology demands a world wide caliphate and thus no appeasement will satisfy their appetite?

Does the Big "O" think this will get him  "PEACE IN OUR TIME" ?

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rep Weiner flip flops stance on our wars

Anthony Weiner (d) NY has changed his tune on involvement in war.  Weiner has previously spoken staunchly against the Iraq and Afghanistan involvements during the Bush administration yet he seems to have changed his mind and now supports our wars.

Far be it for me to say hes both for and against the wars, as that would make him much the hypocrite, would it not?  The only conclusion I can come to over Weiners statement's as of late, is that he now has changed his tune.  I guess we will be seeing an apology to George Bush shortly.

Weiner compared Libya to the Rawanda genocide although far fewer people have died in Libya.  Of course Weiner forgets that Libya was egged on by Mr. Obama unlike the gassing of the Kurds which Saddam Hussein managed to do without a massive rebellion egged on by a US leader being the catilist.

This certainly cannot be hypocracey by Mr. Weirner.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Obamas Justification Speech on Libya

"after bi-partisan consultation
with congress"
Tonight President Obama gave his speech justifying his bombing of Libya.  I noticed a few subtle things, the first of which was his gloating over how he didn't put ground troops on the ground yet a few sentences later emphasized that the action would use what ever means necessary.  The second was his mention that the action as of Wednesday would be a NATO action with the United States in support roles.  The "support" roles are not clearly defined.  The most glaring was his statement that he in fact did consult with congress in a bi-partisan way before taking action, a fact that's disputed by congress in a bi-partisan way.

The one thing he did admit indirectly was that he made a mess out of the country in that he acknowledged that it will take years to get a decent government in place.

Is Libya or its people better off ?  Are the interests of the United States better off by his action?  These two questions are yet to be answered.  One must not forget Oama was a protagonist in this uprising and thus one of the causes of the massacres, even if it was only through his incompetence.


After writing this I was reminded of the Obama apology tour early in his administration where he apologized for the very actions of our country through the years that he bragged about as great accomplishments tonight.

Thank you to Guido!!!!

**** 2nd update 26 nov 2012 ****
Benghazi !

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Gingrich finished

The recent flip flops by Newt are an indicator that hes not in possession of a real agenda that's solid.  I like Newt but I think his heart isn't in it.  Talking his way out of flip flops just doesn't cut it with me.  His attempts at saying he was bypassing Iowa after not showing, his calling for attacking Libya than reversing once we attacked, are Lame at best.

Newt, is better a pundit than in office.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Eggshell Of Security cooperation in the Mideast

The AP reports the diffusing of a bomb by Egyptian security forces, the escape of six thugs, at a gas terminal in the Sinai near el-Arish. .  The pipeline supplies both Israel and Jordan with natural gas.  There have been incidents as of late regarding sabotage of the pipeline and Israel has agreed that Egypt would deploy soldiers to guard the facilities.

Bombing Scene
This situation among others shows us the delicate way in which the Egyptian and Israeli governments work together to maintain a semblance of peace. 


The answer to the question stated above may be no.  We are already seeing signs of Iranian emboldment in the murder two weeks ago of an entire family, the newest bus station bombing, increased influance in Egyption political landscape of radicalism, brotherhood,and more rockets being lobbed.  Iranian proxy supported operaters are having a field day while the United States helps them get in power in Libya.

Natural Gas Pumping Facility
Monday Obama is making his speech explaining his rational for this potential direct combat aid to our enemies.  I have no doubt he will speak of humanitarian justification.  One must remember that Obama has supported the rebels in both cases before Gadaffi lashed out. Does that not make him one of the sides of these disputes?  Is it not Obama who supported the toppeling of both Egypt and Libya while knowing the only operators capable of taking the govts place in a power void was the Iranian based proxy operators such as Al Quida and the Muslum Brotherhood in all their varients? 

Way to go...Big "O"

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Ut Oh!

Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the foremost Libyan Rebel leader, and most like Che Guevera therefore beloved by the world media already, has gleefully announced Al Qaeda elements have joined his fight to free Libya of Mommar Ghaddafi and take over the nation. Not only that, Hakim fought against coalition forces in Afghanistan. Furthermore, the President of neighboring Chad has revealed Al Qaeda elements have made off with surface-to-surface missiles from arsenals in Libya. It seems this group of "freedom fighters" have designs on more than Libya. Why am I not surprised that our Great Leader is paving the way for The Jihad in North Africa?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Gerry Ferraro dead at 75

Gerri Ferraro, Mondale VP candidate,  US Representative from NY, teacher and attorney died of a form of blood cancer today. Her candidacy for VP is considered a watershed moment for woman's rights. She was 75 years old.

Sarah Palin called her a Pioneer in the sense she led the way for other women through her candidacy for VP along side Walter Mondale in 1984.

She passed with her family at her side at a Massachusetts hospital.

For more information on Geraldine Ferraro visit Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geraldine_Ferraro

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Android phones and Paltalk Express

Not worth a crap yet!

Are we prosecuting the right war in Libya

Instead of a no fly- no drive zone in Libya ...we need a behind the bars zone for economic terrorist Steve Lerner...Nee, SEIU.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Palin endorses settlements, Trump a birther?

Presidential toe dipper Donald Trump has all but said he's a birther. On the popular day time talk show The View, Trump said "there's something on that birth certificate he doesn't like".

I don't see a lot of candy coated PC coming from ether of them. Take a look at what Gov Palin has to say.

Sarah Palin has expressed a very clear opinion of what she feels is the proper US Israel relationship. In an interview with Greta Van Sustren, on Fox, she made it clear that she not only supports Israel but also feels a harder line must be taken for peace in the region verses the slow burn continued strife we continue to see. "Why should the Jewish community always be making concessions. .. why shouldn't they be able to build on their own land"?

No abundance of political correctness there. Very refreshing.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Welcome Moon and Jordy !

Getting It Right blog welcomes and thanks our good friends Jordy2008 and moondog as contributors to our blog.

We look forward to their opinions, story's, and unique insights.

Hamas at it again

After a volley of recent rocket attacks above and beyond the steady flow into Israel that rarely makes headlines, and now a bombing in Jerusalem, all hell is ready to break loose again in Gazza. It has only been just more than a week since a Jewish family was brutally murdered and hamass seems to be lashing out as diligently as possible demanding attention in the form of IDF action to mitigate their ability to attack. No doubt that the mitigation action, if any, will be covered in some press as an aggression rather than defensive as it is.

The PA's Abbas has condemned the attacks and Hamass has applauded them.

Hamass leaders and operatives are reported to have switched off their phones in anticipation of possible action against them.

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We are NOT at war!

The White House today said "we are not actually at war".

I guess the American people are supposed to not notice the 75 million dollars worth of missiles fired into Libya over just a few days. I guess we Americans are supposed to ignore the F-15 shot down yesterday. We can also ignore the 75 bombing missions today alone.

If the Big "O" says we are not at war......we are not at war.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yikes! No wonder Obama went to South America.

Will any American who doesn't want "O"'s head on a platter please stand up! Nader, Clinton, Farrakkklan, Waters, fat boy Mike Moore, ......and the entire state of Arizona.

Maybe Obama should read Dale Carnegie's book! He is experiencing an influence deficit of Biblical proportions.

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A change in name.

As with anything new improvements are made. This name change to "Getting It Right" is being fielded as a more recognizable name. It is inspired by the book authored by Wm F Buckley Jr, the father of modern American Conservatism, of the same name. Your comments are welcomed and appreciated.

Fox News Blames Cockpits For Lack Of Female Pilots

Fox late night show Red Eye blamed the lack of female airline pilots on calling the control area of the plane the COCKPIT. During the late night show, it was suggested by the panel that the name be changed from Cockpit. No alternative to the term was suggested.

In other political entertainment news Maddow made fun of Beck and Schultz made fun of Oriely.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Say it aint so ! Talk of impeachment for "O"?

According to Politico.com the "I" word was floated during a conference call Saturday between Democrat players. Its rumored that during the call between Jackson Lee, Nadler, Maxine Waters, Dennis Kuccinich, Diane DeGett, Barb Lee and organizer John Larson of Connecticut who were distressed over Obama not consulting with Congress before bombing Lybia, discussed Impeachment during the call. Sources familiar with the call said Impeachment was explored as it pertained to the legal aspects of the attack on Lybia.

Meanwhile Louis Farrakkklan blasted the "O"mighty one over the rocket attacks launched against Lybia as bad for his image among Africans. Farrakkklan said about Obama, on a Chicago radio show Saturday..... " just who the hell do you think you are".....referring to Obama's attack on Gadaffi who happens to be an allie of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakkklan.

Its said Nixon knew that it was time to throw in the towel when he lost Walt Kronkite, and hence the nation. Has Obama lost Farrakkklan and hence his base?

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The Tar Baby Syndrome

At the risk of Mikeymike finding more evidence of "Conservatism is Racism", let me suggest a perfect analogy to what is happening in Libya. We all remember the old Joel Chandler Harris classic, "Uncle Remus". Before the NAACP deep-sixed it to the Disney vaults, "Song of the South" told the stories of Uncle Remus, the loveable old slave who spoke in dialect and described the antics of Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, Brer Bear and the Tar Baby.

Brer Rabbit came across the Tar Baby after his escape through the briar patch, and, though I don't remember the details, everyone, in turn, became stuck to and embroiled with this tar baby that was sitting out there in the cotton field. (let me have some license on this).

The new Tar Baby is, of course, Barack Obama. Everyone that comes into contact to him becomes inexorably stuck to him, never, it seems to get un-stuck. To this latest list of stickees, we can add Nicholas Sarkozy and David Cameron. I could have told them.

The President is one of those people that should be delt with from a distance. Come too close, and like the Tar Baby, you get stuck. Let Obama play out the rest of his pathetic presidency, enjoy it if you wish, condemn it if you wish, ignore it if you wish...but don't come to close!

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Only thing missing is the lizzard.

What a week Japan had !
Lets see...
a 9.0 earth quake...
not enough?
a 30 foot tsunami...
want more?
4 nuke meltdowns...
warming up ?

Now we have a radioactive plume stretching across the Pacific to Carmel California. 

Oh lets not forget a third front (didn't our generals say we couldn't handle a third front) in the war against the T word.

All this while our commander and chief sits on a lounge chair on a beach in Rio...south by 2000 miles of the jet stream while cabana boys who are in abject poverty tend to his and others needs.

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The hypocracey of the left via their silance over Lybia.

Remember George Bush?  Remember "Bush lied troops died"?  Remember WMD's (they were found)?
Read more »

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Getting It Right

Welcome to Getting It RightA spot where your commentary can be submitted for posting by e-mailing toe chopper at onekooleskimo@yahoo.com  .  Its simple, just e-mail your post in file form as an attachment, and complete for to the e mail address and we will probably post it.  Please indicate what name you would like to post it under...its all up to you. 
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